Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB Interview Questions

future officers! Are you excited about your upcoming Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB Interview? I know I am! As someone who’s been writing about education for 10 years, let me tell you, this is not a test to take lightly. It’s one of the most crucial steps in your journey towards becoming a military officer.

You’ve worked hard to get here, so it’s only natural that you want to put your best foot forward. You’re probably wondering what kind of questions to expect, how to prepare, and what you should do to impress the interviewers. Well, don’t worry, because I’ve got you covered.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you everything you need to know about the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB interview questions. I’ll provide you with the most up-to-date and relevant information, tips on how to prepare, and some insider tricks to help you stand out from the crowd.

So, get ready to dive deep into the world of military interviews, and let’s make sure you’re fully equipped to handle whatever comes your way!

Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB Interview QuestionsExplanation of the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB interview

The Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB interview is an essential part of the admission process for prospective military officers. It is a one-on-one interview with a panel of military officers, designed to assess your personality, communication skills, knowledge of current events and the military, as well as your potential to become a leader.

Importance of the AFSB interview in becoming a military officer

The AFSB interview plays a crucial role in determining whether or not you’ll be selected to join the Nigerian Defence Academy. Your performance during the interview can be the deciding factor in your admission, as it provides insight into your personality, character, and leadership potential.

Brief overview of what to expect in the article

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB interview, including the purpose, structure, and timeframe of the interview. We’ll also discuss the types of questions you can expect to be asked and provide tips on how to prepare effectively. Additionally, we’ll share some insider tricks to impress the interviewers and increase your chances of admission.

Overview of the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB Interview

A. Purpose of the AFSB interview

The main purpose of the AFSB interview is to assess your suitability to become a military officer. The interviewers will evaluate your personality, communication skills, knowledge of current events and the military, as well as your leadership potential.

B. Structure of the AFSB interview

The AFSB interview typically lasts for about 30 minutes, during which time you’ll be interviewed by a panel of military officers. The interviewers will ask you a range of questions designed to evaluate your personality, character, and leadership potential.

C. Timeframe of the AFSB interview

The AFSB interview usually takes place after the physical and medical tests, and before the psychological and aptitude tests. The exact timeframe for the interview may vary, depending on the specific schedule of the selection process.

Types of Questions Asked in the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB Interview

A. Personal Questions

Personal questions are designed to help the interviewers gain insight into your personality and character. You may be asked questions about your background, hobbies, interests, and personal values.

B. Career Goals Questions

Career goals questions are designed to assess your motivation for becoming a military officer. You may be asked about your reasons for wanting to join the Nigerian Defence Academy, your long-term career goals, and how you plan to achieve them.

C. Military Knowledge Questions

Military knowledge questions are designed to evaluate your knowledge of the Nigerian military and its operations. You may be asked about the history, structure, and current events of the Nigerian military.

D. Leadership Questions

Leadership questions are designed to assess your leadership potential. You may be asked about your experience in leadership positions, your leadership style, and how you handle difficult situations.

Tips on How to Prepare for the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB Interview

A. Research the Academy

Before the interview, research the Nigerian Defence Academy to gain a better understanding of its history, values, and mission. This will help you answer questions about why you want to join the Academy and what you hope to achieve as a military officer.

B. Practice Answering Common Interview Questions

Practice answering common interview questions with friends or family members to build your confidence and improve your communication skills. Make sure to prepare thoughtful and articulate answers that highlight your strengths and leadership potential.

C. Dress Professionally and Arrive Early

On the day of the interview, dress professionally and arrive early to ensure that you have plenty of time to prepare and gather your thoughts. Being punctual and well-groomed will demonstrate your professionalism and attention to detail.

D. Be Confident and Professional

During the interview, be confident, articulate, and professional. Maintain eye contact with the interviewers, speak clearly and concisely, and demonstrate a positive attitude and a genuine interest in the military.

Insider Tricks to Impress the Interviewers

A. Show Genuine Interest in the Military

Demonstrate your passion and interest in the military by discussing current events, sharing your knowledge of military history, and asking thoughtful questions about the Nigerian military and its operations.

B. Demonstrate Strong Leadership Qualities

Emphasize your leadership potential by discussing your experience in leadership positions, highlighting your ability to work as part of a team, and sharing specific examples of times when you demonstrated strong leadership qualities.

C. Use Specific Examples from Your Past

When answering questions, use specific examples from your past experiences to demonstrate your skills and leadership potential. This will help you stand out from other candidates and provide concrete evidence of your abilities.

D. Ask Thoughtful Questions

At the end of the interview, ask thoughtful questions about the Nigerian Defence Academy, its values, and its mission. This will demonstrate your interest in the Academy and your commitment to becoming a military officer.


In conclusion, the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB interview is a critical part of the admission process for prospective military officers. By following these tips and insider tricks, you can prepare effectively for the interview and increase your chances of admission. Remember to be confident, professional, and genuine in your responses, and demonstrate your leadership potential through specific examples from your past experiences. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the purpose of the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB interview?

A: The purpose of the AFSB interview is to assess your suitability to become a military officer, including your personality, communication skills, knowledge of current events and the military, as well as your leadership potential.

Q: What types of questions are asked during the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB interview?

A: You can expect to be asked a range of questions, including personal questions, career goals questions, military knowledge questions, and leadership questions.

Q: How can I prepare for the Nigerian Defence Academy AFSB interview?

A: Research the Academy, practice answering common interview questions, dress professionally and arrive early, and be confident and professional during the interview. Additionally, show genuine interest in the military, demonstrate strong leadership qualities, use specific examples from your past, and ask thoughtful questions to impress the interviewers.